Thursday, October 29, 2009

Speaking like Crazy

One of the things I've found truly rewarding in the past year or so is getting the opportunity to speak to large groups of people. What do I talk about? Anything really, but mostly my story involving my battle with high blood pressure, swimming, and starting a business in the food world...and cooking of course. I've spoken to swim teams, USA Today, Rotary Clubs, Synagogues, schools, businesses and more.

I always tell people there are life lessons I truly don't believe I would've learned without swimming. I share those lessons as well as many of the most important quotes I've been exposed to over time. One of those quotes, as many of them are, is from my coach Eddie Reese..., "hard work and sacrifice always pay off if we're patient." I believe this to be utterly and completely true.

My schedule with speaking has been pretty crazy. I spoke to a journalism class on Tuesday. I'm speaking at a large conference tonight in Austin on behalf of disability awareness month. Finally I'm traveling to Milwaukee tomorrow where I'll be the keynote speaker to 1000 people at a black tie event on Saturday night. Lot's of fun! Gotta go practice my speech one more time...oh and find out what time I'm speaking tonight too...


Idoia said...

1000 people?? wow, that's too many people... I hope everything goes fine. Good luck!!

Melissa G said...

Did you get a shave?

MichaelSherfield said...

Hi Garrett, I'm Michael Sherfield, one of the journalism students you spoke to on Tuesday. Just wanted to thank you again for taking the time to answer our endless questions and wish you good luck in your swimming and cooking future. Thank you.

Garrett said...

It did go well!

Haha yes I was able to find that razor and shave my face:)

Hi Michael. I had a great time talking with y'all on Tuesday. You all had really good questions. I hope my responses were informative.

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