Thursday, March 26, 2009

What is that Way Up in the Sky???

The cool, almost sweet flavored air seeps into my lungs while my body floats on the surface of the water. My legs feel like they've been through a meet grinder and their only salvation is the warm taffy-like sensation they're beginning to experience as they warm down. Up high high in the sky I see a plane. I think to myself..."Whoa dude, it's crazy to think that people are sitting up there 30,000 above the ground in an aluminum cylinder traveling at like 500 miles per hour..." Although I have traveled all over the world and have been on tons of planes I sometimes forget how absurd air travel really is. What's even more amazing is how much faith we all have in the pilots that we literally entrust our lives to. I guess we just have to hope they didn't have a few too many drinks the night before as they line up to land this huge piece of machinery on the surface of the earth at a couple hundred miles an hour...

Now you're getting a bit of an idea what goes through a swimmers mind during practice...


Nicole said...

I have those same thoughts.

Unknown said...

so true!!

Anonymous said...

life gets a little boring when you stare at a black line for a couple of hours. A couple weeks back before daylight savings times we would swim during dusk and we would have the most beautiful sunsets they caught my attention more then a couple times while swimming.

Garrett said...

It can be boring sometimes looking at a black line...I find that most times my brain isn't even comprehending what my eyes are seeing though...I generally have a lot on my mind and literally float off into my own little world.

Unknown said...

ARE YOU KIDDING ME GARRETT? Im walking to Austin. Ill meet you half way.
Pine Bluff, Arkansas...

Anonymous said...

Back when I was growing, we had a great backdrop at our pool growing up, it overlooked the mountains...if the sun caught it just right ...a beautiful sunrise! PS--I always had some song stuck in my head!

Garrett said...

Walking to Austin...what for???

Yeah I always have a song in my head too:)

Emily said...

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